Happy New Year!!! 2015...WOW.
This is the year...not sure for what yet, but I think this is the year. 2014 was quite a fun packed year. I published THREE books, yeah, I pretty much had no life. I was picked up by a publisher, I left that publisher and have worked my ass off.
Book sales, well they kinda dropped. Not just for me, but for everyone. I'm not sure why, but it was nice to have my readers sticking by me. It hit hard to have Facebook hiding posts from newsfeeds, but to have sales drop. That's okay, though, I'm just lucky to have people reading!
I'm going to start 2015 off on the right foot and remain positive. Cause that's all you can do, right?
Now, it's January 3rd and I'm already feeling good about this year. I'm changing my cover for Careful What You Wish For. Don't get me wrong I LOVED my last cover. Aly did an amazing job on it. I just think it needed a slight upgrade. So, I have a 2.0 cover. It's BEAUTIFUL....wanna see? Be sure to come back to my page on Tuesday the 6th :) Yep, I'm a tease LOL!
What else do I have for you?? Hmmmm... OHHHH!! So, after many requests I am going to be writing the 'sequel' to Careful What You Wish For. You have spoken - wanting a story about Harley's possible kids... well it's coming, but I'm doing it a bit different. I know you wanted to see how she handled her 'real' kids. Well, I worked on it a few times, starting with her pregnant...that became redundant (I mean how many times can you write morning sickness and cravings... ugh). I started to relive my pregnancy moments and I couldn't do it that way.
I started writing her have a toddler, basically writing the story of MY daughter. I felt the eye twitching moments coming on more. My daughter is...well... she's a handful sometimes and I think your hair would turn gray just reading it. Thank goodness for hair color!
SOOO I decided to try a different approach. I'm writing it in the POV of Harley's daughter who is now in her early twenties. There will be some reappearing characters and it will be just as fun. I know its a HUGE jump in the timeline, but believe me - for your sanity and mine - I don't think you want her to have a toddler hahaha!
Well, I don't have much more of an update for you, it's been kinda quiet. But, again, it's only 3 days in - hopefully this is the year ;) xoxox
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