Thursday, October 16, 2014

Will Work For Food... lol just kidding

Where has this year gone? I swear it was just January the other day and now we are 15 days away from Halloween! The year is coming to an end and FAST! I guess I lost track of the time while writing. I have gotten so lost into my stories - I lose track of time. Like, even just during the day, I realize Oh Shit! I haven't showered yet! It's just crazy to think in the last year, I have published (after this book) 3 books this year alone!

Me writing, was only to be a small hobby to get me not to call my husband every hour, asking how is day was going. Yes, I did that. Yes, I got bored being home. I needed something to fill my day and yeah.... it overwhelmed my day trying to fix my plot or where are my character's hands going to be placed or I need to research bars in the area. Then, I'd all the sudden get an idea for another story and start getting those ideas down and stop the other story altogether. My poor husband... LOL! "honey, lemme just write this last thing down...." hours later....

So in summary - I get wrapped up into my stories and give myself an ulcer haha! Not really on the ulcer thing, but I do try to get things done, even if that takes over everything. Including a shower. Yeah, its gross.
What does this all mean, Michelle? (that's you asking by the way, lol) It means, that I need a break. My poor fingers need a break. I LOVE to write, don't get me wrong - I have 3 more story ideas written down that I need to get done. It's just to the point where I need to get things done around the house. My daughter is getting ready for kindergarten next year and I realized I need to spend all the time I can with her. Mentioned above, time just flies too fast. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to fall off the grid or anything, I have a facebook addiction, so you will see me on there. I'm going to be posting a lot, doing giveaways and a lot of promotion for my books, especially this new book. I think it will knock your socks off!
What I'm also going to be doing is helping other authors take off. I'm really interested in marketing, hell my minor is marketing. I want to try and put my work and other authors work out there. I want to see where I can go with it. Sure, it will come with a small price, but in the end I think it will help in the long run. So, please don't vanish from me. PLEASE be sure to check out my new book (it comes out on November 3rd, but you can pre-order today!). I promise this story won't let you down and you will LOVE it. But know that writing is my passion. I'm not just going to quit it that easily. I just think my family needs me around, I need to not be glued to my MSWord doc.
I love you guys! Really. Oh and don't think its right now that I'm taking a break. I plan on this happening in January. I need to finish up something's for a small project and then it'll happen. <3
Here is the link and the cover for the new book, just in case you haven't seen my numerous posts, too. LOL!  Thanks for being there for me. It warms my heart to know that there are people out there that enjoy what I've written :D


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