Thursday, August 7, 2014

And so it begins...

Hi Everyone!

So, I'm trying out this blog thing a whirl. It's so much easier to write here then trying to reach even 5 of you on Facebook.

Well, this year - all 8 months of it - has been quite a journey. I went from writing only contemporary romance to trying my hand in paranormal. Dark Secret has become my baby and while all my writing is important to me, I really REALLY love my characters in Dark Secret (DS I'll refer to it this way sometimes).

I was so happy with it that I decided to submit it to a publisher. I was accepted a few days later! How stoked was I? So much that I think I drank too much that night to celebrate and paid for it for like a week (30's are not the new 20's when it comes to drinking). Just kidding, I probably had only a couple drinks ;) I was really happy that my work was good enough to make a publisher! The re-released DS in June (initial release was March 31st), so it moved really fast.

I'm going to be brutally honest and say that I'm a control freak and not being able to have complete control over my work, well it wasn't working. So, only after a few months in of being with them, I decided to take a step back. Yeah, I should have tried to stick it out, but all in all I was looking out for my best interests.

So, where am I now? Back on my own! Which I woke up this morning feeling less stressed and a bit more excited for the new opportunities that I can give myself. Sure, they JUST released my second book on Monday and as of Wednesday it was removed. So, don't worry - I will be releasing it again soon. I'm getting a whole new cover and going to set up a blog tour, release some ARC's. Do things MY way, see control freak.

I want to thank everyone that stuck by my side and listened to me rant or cry or even be super excited about everything. I must look like a crazy person going from one emotion to the other so quickly.

But, the good news is - DS went back to it's original cover and is back on Amazon already. I hope that you can pick up your copy and enjoy. Wicked Spell (WS) will be out very soon I PROMISE! :)

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